In front of the fire or in the office. In a meeting room or as a standalone feature in an open space. No matter what function is required of CHECK, the lounge chair is up to the job. In professional settings, it brings a sense of coziness. And in the familiar surroundings of a home, it establishes an inviting island of workspace in the living space. With the CHECK, designer Martin Ballendat successfully transforms seeming opposites into a unified whole. That’s because Check brings together the present and the future, both in terms of design and functionality. A lounge chair, with or without ottoman, that gives you space to kick back and let your thoughts run free, to get ideas down on paper or simply to check off jobs from the top of your to-do list. CHECK your specific requirements. CHECK your room and choose the best fit: Because CHECK fulfils the most diverse requirements and even works brilliantly as a conference chair.